Why Do Most CTOs Opt For Flutter App Development?

September 7, 2021
Why Do Most CTOs Opt For Flutter App Development?

Currently, it is imperative for most businesses to make pivotal decisions while selecting mobile app development technologies. People spend a good part of their day staring at their smart devices and any smart business will try to capitalize on that fact and spread their reach by getting space on that screen. Developing an app seems the obvious way to achieve that. To reach the most possible customers the logical thing to do is to develop an app on multiple platforms, particularly for Android and iOS. With the Flutter app development service, you get cross-platform solutions that are highly cost-efficient, with regard to engineering and continual maintenance.

CTOs of businesses need to wise up and recognize the power of Flutter to render powerful digital experiences.

Why choose Flutter?

Here are some of the reasons why businesses approach a Flutter app development company to develop their apps.

Flutter overrides the common restrictions found in cross-platform development

Flutter allows developers to deliver exceptional performance and a “native-like” experience. This occurs as Flutter uses AOT mode during the compilation of your app’s code. Here, the transformation from Dart straight into the language of Android and iOS occurs while it’s being coded.  With Flutter app development services you can avoid many of the common limitations faced during cross-platform hybrid development.

Backend and Frontend using just one code

Typically iOS and Android development involve different files for the frontend (.nib, XML) that get referenced by the backend (Python, Ruby). On the other hand, Flutter leverages the programming language Dart that is equipped to carry out both tasks and capitalizes on a reactive framework.  

Flutter works concertedly with Google’s Material Design

It is possible to deliver responsive UI experiences by taking advantage of Flutter’s collaboration with Google’s Material Design. It offers a seamless, crisp, and intuitive UX that is usually found among native apps.

Widgets in every nook and cranny

Every component on a Flutter app screen is a widget. Widgets refer to minute segments of UI, which can be joined to create a full app. To build an app, widgets are embedded within each other and even the very root of an app is a widget. What’s exceptional about Flutter is that each part of the UI is systematized via widgets. When you opt for Flutter app development services, working with this framework gives your developers a powerful handle over various widgets, together with their layouts.

Open-source plugins & packages galore

Access to a massive range of open-source plugins and packages allows you to develop your apps swiftly and easily. Several packages can be leveraged to make a lot of elaborate tasks simple. While it is as yet at a fairly nascent stage, the package library is multiplying exponentially each and every day. This is primarily owing to the swiftly- ever-expanding community of developers sharing active contributions to enhance Flutter.

Customized themes for different platforms

UIs appear varied on an iOS device, in comparison to the way it appears on an Android device or a Windows device. For this reason, applications need to be themed appropriately to offer a consistent user experience.

Flutter offers multiple themes to accommodate Android, Windows, and iOS apps. In addition to the variations in color, the themes also have multiple sizes and styles.  Flutter has exceptional UIs and the applications built with this framework cater to various industries such as fitness, education, entertainment, health, e-commerce, and more.

Flutter doesn’t show any signs of losing popularity among developers. From utility apps to social media apps, product distribution apps, service booking apps, healthcare apps, productivity measurement apps, and more, you can leverage Flutter app development services to get an app that boosts your revenue.  

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