Why Flutter Is The Best Framework For Cross-Platform App Development?

November 8, 2022
Why Flutter Is The Best Framework For Cross-Platform App Development?

Flutter is an open-source software development framework that brings about smooth and easy cross-platform mobile apps. You can make high-quality compiled apps for iOS and Android fast without having to write the codes separately for the two apps. All you need to have one single codebase for both platforms.

Gone are the days when developers had to work hard for creating an app for app development platforms. Now, you can create the app with one-time coding, thanks to cross-platform app development. The best cross-platform app development includes making mobile applications in a way that they can run on different platforms.

In this type of development, coding is made in such a manner that the app is supported by Android, Windows, and iOS. Cross-platform development has become one of the most popular frameworks and it has lots of features and tools that are liked by the developers.

Developers are always in search of something new and improved versions of frameworks for making app development a time-saving and efficient manner. This constant improvement in technology has given rise to flutter mobile app development services.

What Is Flutter Framework?

Flutter is the software development framework and it is a great cross-platform app development tool that is introduced by Google. It uses the Dart language for programming. This platform is launched in the year 2018 along with features that were not found in the previous cross-platform development tools.

The mobile apps that are built on Flutter can be run on Android, Google, and iOS platforms. Flutter is being used by developers due to its high rate of proficiency and efficiency. The developers working at Google have been working on this for several years. Some of the points on which the developers are working to bring about the best in Flutter include-

  • Has its tools
  • Ability to support Firebase APIs
  • Fixing of bugs
  • Improved documentation
  • Support windows development
  • Enhanced engine performance
  • Tools for Android Studio and Visual Studio Code
  • Support various languages 
  • Accessibility for all the development teams
  • Having additional features like charts, ads, and inline videos

What Is Flutter Framework Used For?

Flutter is considered one of the best solutions for developing both Android and iOS this means the developers do not need to write different codebases for each one of the platforms. The Smartphone versions of these applications work truly like the native apps. 

They do not need to have a runtime module or a browser. Using the same codebase, it is also possible to make web applications for browsers and also with native programs for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

What Is The Principle Of Flutter?

The flutter SDK is based on the Dart programming language which is also developed by Google. The principle of this platform is to replace traditional JavaScript. On the server, the Dart programs can work directly, while in the website browser they get converted to JavaScript with the use of Dart2js trans-compiler.

Top Reasons Why You Need To Use the Flutter App Development

If you are planning to develop a combined app, the best framework is to choose flutter. Here are some of the reasons why you need to choose the Flutter app for your business-

  • Faster And Dynamic Development

Flutter provides fast compilation and dynamic coding that allows you to see the code change in real time. It is also called the Hot Reload; this feature allows reflecting the LIVE changes in the code within a few seconds. Therefore, it helps the developers be more productive as they can make the UI changes quickly.

  • Best for MVP Products

Flutter has a flexible UI, fast turnaround time, and also high performance that makes it easy and one of the best choices for MVP development. As in the MVP stage, you might be facing short of time and money. Considering this, if you need to validate the app idea in the market, or you need to present it to the investors, developing the app for 2 platforms is not a good idea. Flutter has a single codebase that can assist you in launching apps across all platforms while helping you save time and cost.

  • Reusable Widgets

The flutter comes with an extensive list of customisable widgets. These widgets are structural elements that are wrapped with the material design and have specific functionalities that are used for styling aspects like padding, creating transitions, and setting fonts. Now the developers can make use of readymade widgets or can make widgets in different stages.

  • Smooth Animation

Flutter has offered a wide range of widgets that will help you in making apps that follow Material Design. The Material Motion System for Flutter helps to create a smooth and easy transition between the UI elements and also helps to give a smooth and polished appearance. Flutter also has the built-in-adjustments like gestures, animation and rendering that help the developers to have total control over each pixelated element that is displayed.

  • Has Easy Learning Curve

Compared to the other rivals available like REACT NATIVE, JAVA, and SWIFT, Flutter has a learning curve that is soft and easy to manage. The UI open-source framework has become easy to learn and the developer can use it easily.

Are you ready to fuel up your app idea and have decided which framework you need to use? the Flutter app is the best one to choose. Why not make the right use of this trending technology for validating and monetising the app concept? You can consult with a development company like Ivan Infotech that offers flutter app development services.

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