Factors That Make Flutter A Trend-Setter In Mobile App Development

May 18, 2021
Factors That Make Flutter A Trend-Setter In Mobile App Development

Currently, a number of startups are unable to find success owing to the wrong choice of framework during mobile application development. Anyone shopping around for a cross-platform framework for their app should definitely opt for Flutter app development services.

With Flutter, you not only get a swift development process but you will also benefit from low development costs. To add to the perks this framework delivers aesthetic and smooth animation for an excellent user experience.

This power-packed UI toolkit from Google is instrumental for building native apps and highly interactive user interfaces for mobile, desktop and web apps armed with a single codebase. It is by far the most ideal choice for startups and well-established enterprises alike.

With a Flutter app development company on your side, you gain the benefit of apps with rich and varied features without burning a hole in your pocket.


Single codebase

A key feature that sets Flutter app development services apart from the rest is the ‘write-once approach. This approach goes beyond the limitations of other cross-platform frameworks where developers are required to write different codes for multiple platforms.

A single codebase means that your applications will be streamlined and managed easily. What’s more, it allows you to make modifications and updates easily to all applications, no matter the device it is running on.


Robust code writing and app testing

Thanks to the fact that Flutter has a single codebase, developers are free to reuse it for multiple plugins, consequently shortening the duration of development.

Additionally, during the testing phase, you would just need to conduct a quick quality assurance check to confirm the features, functionality and programming of your cross-platform mobile app. This is why several businesses prefer using Flutter app development services.


Hot reload feature

Flutter’s Hot Reloading feature allows you to keep the app running while simultaneously making changes to the files that you edited at runtime. To put it more simply, while you are coding, you will be able to see the progress side by side. This feature is particularly vital for tweaking the UI and bug fixing.


Perfect for MVP development

Flutter is the ideal choice for MVP development, which is basically your app’s prototype.

Say you aim to show your app to investors as quickly as possible or intend on releasing your app in advance for your audience, if so, you can develop an MVP that looks and feels native-like on both Android and iOS.


Ready-made and customizable widgets 

Flutter is fitted out with a bunch of impressive basic widgets, and these essentially the building blocks on which your entire app is based. Some of the widgets in Flutter include navigation, text, gesture detector, slider, lists, scrolling, fonts and so on. These widgets are customizable regardless of the screen size. 

To sum up, Flutter has all the bells and whistles you would need to build high-performing native applications for Android and iOS platforms. This is why growth-minded companies everywhere are going in for Flutter app development services to help them dominate over their rivals.

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