mCommerce Statistics Highlighting the Value of Mobile Commerce App Development

August 10, 2021
mCommerce Statistics Highlighting the Value of Mobile Commerce App Development

The increasing popularity of mobile devices has given birth to a lot of different trends. Before the arrival of mobiles and tablets, online shopping was limited to desktops. But, the arrival of mobile devices has led to the growth of mobile commerce. The simple definition of mobile commerce is the purchase and sale of goods through mobile devices. Statistics reveal that mCommerce is booming. Thus, the need of the hour for e-commerce companies is to focus on mobile commerce app development.

To keep ahead of the latest trend, retailers, marketers and other players in the retail industry need to focus on developing mobile commerce applications. If you are still not convinced about the urgency of developing a mobile commerce app, look at the following statistics. These statistics indicate the current state of the industry and where it is headed.


Statistics of mobile users

For a greater understanding of the m-commerce industry, it is first important to understand the industry’s driving forces. The industry would not be able to kick off without the customers. Thus, the marketers should first try and learn more about the consumers making the transactions.


The mobile data traffic increased 700% between 2016 and 2021

With the continuous growth of mobile users, there would be also growth of mobile data traffic. The growth of mobile data traffic would coincide with more mobile users trying to access the internet. Statistics reveal that mobile data traffic has grown by 700% from 2016 to 2021. Thus, there is an urgent need for retailers to connect with mobile commerce app development companies to create mCommerce apps that can target these mobile-savvy customers.


The number of worldwide mobile connections in May 2021 is 10.97 billion

In the world today, there are 3.11 billion more mobile connections than the number of people. Thus, there is a huge market of mobile-savvy people that can be targeted by players in the retail industry. It is thus important for the retail players to develop mCommerce apps that can help them reach these customers. Thus, the only way out is to contact a mobile commerce app development company. 


67.03% of the world’s population are unique mobile subscribers

There are more mobile connections than people in the world. But only 2/3 rd of the world’s population are unique mobile subscribers. This signifies that some people have more than one device. These statistics can help retailers contact mobile commerce app development companies to offer customised mobile commerce apps.  


12% of consumers consider the mobile web to be a more convenient method for shopping

This consumer presents a huge base of people who can be targeted by retailers through mobile commerce applications.


Worldwide consumers spend about 2.3 billion hours per week on mobile commerce applications

But, most people spend only a few seconds browsing a product before purchasing. Thus, the retailers need to connect with mobile commerce app development companies who can develop apps that can keep consumers hooked.


72.9% of all e-commerce sales would be met through mobile commerce platforms this year

Mobile commerce is growing at a much faster rate as compared to the general e-commerce industry. These statistics signify the importance of mobile commerce applications for retailers.


About 55% of all e-commerce sales in the US would be met through mCommerce platforms

This statistic again signifies the importance of mobile commerce platforms for the retail industry. The retailers need to connect with leading mCommerce app development companies to create apps that can entice customers and make them purchase goods and services. 


As a leading mCommerce app development company, Ivan Applab can create mobile commerce apps that can boost your revenue and profitability. The mobile commerce apps developed by our experts under mobile commerce app development services can cater to your unique business needs and help you attract maximum app downloads. 

We can also integrate pos applications and social media channels to offer customers a seamless service. Want to know more?

Connect with our expert developers now and have your customised mobile commerce app built in no time. 

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