Why is This The Right Time to Invest in Developing Wellness Apps?

September 2, 2021
Why is This The Right Time to Invest in Developing Wellness Apps?

While talking of health, Our society and the medical community have perennially focussed their attention on physical health. In this context, good health is defined by a general lack of illness. This restricted focus, however, neglects the important aspects of mental and emotional health. Wellness apps created by wellness app development services providers on the contrary track a complete state of physical and mental wellbeing. 

In contrast to health, wellness is all about leading a healthy lifestyle. Wellbeing, on the other hand, talks about mind and body together. It refers to mental, physical, and social well-being. Wellness, therefore, is all about creating the perfect condition that can help a person live a life with the perfect balance of physical, mental, and emotional health. 

To date, it was not possible to measure wellbeing. But thanks to rapid technology development, it is now become possible to develop wellness apps that can measure the degree of wellbeing. This has further opened the door for wellness as a service. In the future part of the wellness and healthcare industry could merge to give birth to a new trillion-dollar industry. 

But why is suddenly everyone excited about wellness?

Wellness was long valued in oriental cultures. Ancient Chinese and Indian medicine focussed on the holistic wellbeing of the body and mind. But, as said before the western medicine was more focused on physical health.

Things are, however, changing. The wellness apps and technology are all set to help us in the pursuit of happiness. Digital devices are ready to democratize the industry.  The stress of the digital lifestyle has created an urgent demand for these applications to help people of all ages lead a better life.

Wellness has, therefore, emerged as a top priority for society. Its importance can be gauged from the fact that there is a world happiness index that ranks countries based on how happy their citizens are about their lives. Further, United Arab Emirates has established a National well-being observatory, and a minister for happiness, underlying its importance. 

So why is this the right time for your business to invest in developing wellness applications?

There are several reasons behind this. But, the most compelling reason is the fact that we are witnessing phenomenal growth of the Experience economy. People want to live a better life and have the best possible experience. Thus, they no longer purchase goods or services. Instead, they are always willing to pay for improving their life experience and have a better way of life. 

Thus, there is a growing demand for ecosystem solutions that can address or improve not only economic but also societal wellbeing. Companies, recognize this and are putting wellbeing at the heart of their corporate budget. Bu, offering better experiences to the employees starts with the wellbeing of the employees. 

This is where wellness applications are playing a major role. By investing in wellness applications development, you are investing in a technology that can help you monitor the wellness of your employees. And every businessman knows that happy and healthy employees can fetch more business for the company and help it grow faster. 

But wellness solutions are not only for your employees. If we consider the society at large, then a large part of the population is facing a world completely different from the past. Technological advancements have reduced the price of consumer durables. Concurrently, the prices of necessities like housing and healthcare have skyrocketed.

For most of the population, healthcare has become unaffordable. This has increased the demand for self-care solutions. For the new generation, prevention is better than cure, and wellness applications are developed to do just that. So, by offering wellness applications, you could tap into the billion-dollar self-care market. 

Thus, companies whether big or small need to invest in wellness applications. If you do not have the internal resources to develop a robust wellness app, then connecting with a wellness app development services provider is the best possible alternative for you. 

Ivan Applab has champion developers having many years of experience in creating robust applications. So, subscribe to the wellness app development services offered by Ivan Applab now and get your app developed in no time. 

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