Top Android App Development Trends That Will Dominate In 2021

March 17, 2021
Top Android App Development Trends That Will Dominate In 2021

The Google Play Store is currently home to more than 3.04 million applications. That makes sense, as a whopping 85% of the market share is dominated by the Android OS.

The mobile app, particularly in the midst of a global pandemic, is being used across industries, from e-learning apps to food delivery apps. Before you start looking for android application development services you need to learn about the latest and innovative trends to stay ahead of the curve. 




The new networking standard is making waves in the app development ecosystem. AS can be expected, 5G is poised to transform the manner in which apps are used and created. The technology will have the capacity to handle a million concurrent connections per square kilometer. This will unlock the doors for IoT devices and apps that support them.


App clips


App clips is Apple’s 2020 feature- a key trend in mobile app development. App clips enable users to get a preview of an app and the ability to use it despite neither downloading nor installing it on their device. This feature involves a small portion of an app that allows users to quickly carry out online actions, such as paying for parking, renting a car, or ordering electronics.




Voice communication and recognition has already begun to impact industries beyond technology, revolutionizing sectors such as telemarketing, customer service and retail. According to Gartner, by 2030 approximately 30% of web browsing will be carried out through voice. Thanks to the popularity of VUI (Voice User Interface) there is a ready market potential of voice search. No mobile app provider is likely to overlook the potential this brings.


Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning


For some time now artificial intelligence has had a tremendous influence on mobile app development. This will continue in 2021 and beyond. Several apps will leverage algorithms with the ability to adapt on the basis of learned behavior. Machine learning and AI powered apps allow businesses to take advantage of the wealth of data from the app. Data can be leveraged from sources such as online traffic, mobile devices, point-of-sale machines and more, to significantly enhance user experience.  




MotionLayout is a new type of layout that an Android app development agency can leverage to manage motion and widget animation in their apps. App developers will be leveraging Motion Layout in the coming years to develop fluid interfaces that use animation. This will serve to allow users to easily grasp elements that occur in an app ultimately leading to superior experience.


Wrapping Up



Each year comes along with its share of trends and innovations. It’s important, not to mention logical, to take the emerging trends that dominate the mobile apps industry into consideration. This will allow you to harness the latest tech in android application development services to offer a seamless experience and meet user demands.

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