App Builder or Android App Development Make the Right Choice

August 13, 2021
App Builder or Android App Development Make the Right Choice

Currently, if a business wants to find success, it needs to be within convenient reach of the target customer. Possessing a business app, particularly an Android app from a custom Android app development company, will help you achieve just that.  With a global 84% market share, Android apps will give you the capacity to produce a streamlined avenue for revenue, as consumers across the world will be able to access your offerings.

But before you begin, you will have to come to a decision regarding the route you will take; namely, will you choose Android App Builders or Android Application Development Services?


DIY App Builders- Pros and Cons

App Builders are referred to as low code solutions as they are frameworks or tools available online that give users the capacity to generate an app quickly, without using coders or developers.


Points in favour 

If your business has neither the inclination nor means to spend money to build an app, particularly if your app doesn’t need to generate revenue, you should opt for an App Builder.

Non-technical entrepreneurs who want to present their concept to prospective users can use App Builders to craft a wire-frame to convert their concept into a reality.

If you have a concept for an Android app game and want to quickly check it using a low code solution, you can opt for an app builder. This allows you to test it out on a minor consumer market rather than going for the whole rigmarole of approaching a custom Android app development company.


Some of the limitations 

App Builders have limited built-in features, for this reason, you may not be able to integrate the various features that your app demands.

As you depend on a third party the security risks to confidential data in terms of app architecture, user information and so on are higher.

While most App Builders are promoted as being free of cost you may nonetheless incur certain hidden costs.

These services come with certain restrictions and lack the full-scale capacity to incorporate necessary third-party integrations.


Custom Android App Development- Pros and Cons

A custom Android app development company can offer you tailor-made apps that cater to all your business requirements, allowing you to set yourself apart from your competitors.


Points in favour 

Custom Android app development is a good option for a business that wants to develop from scratch including support and maintenance and ASO, or even when you need help for your existing product at any phase of app development.

If your business needs familiar and non-template designs you should opt for custom app development. This will ensure that your product is designed as originally conceptualized and that it has high-level animations for smooth transitions as well as advanced UI/UX.

Android app development ensures compliance with Apple and Google standards and requirements leading to a high-performing, profitable app.

Custom development is good for presenting viable visualization MVP to your stakeholders and then expanding to a fully-fledged custom app.


Some of the limitations

Android application development services take into account conceptualization, research, custom features, resources and so on making it a costly affair.

Android users tend not to spend a lot on their apps, and this may result in your app not generating the volume of revenue you expect.

As Google does not perform thorough checks, you may inadvertently create an app that may face copyright infringement.

Armed with knowledge on both App Builders and custom app development you can now make an informed decision about which would work for your business or endeavor. For those of you inclined toward custom apps, you can choose a reputed custom Android app development company to convert your app idea into a profitable reality.

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