Event Planning Apps That Solve All Types Of Difficulties

April 6, 2022
Event Planning Apps That Solve All Types Of Difficulties

When planning big events any event company is most likely to encounter a few challenges. If you are part of an event business it’s good to consider a few factors that will help you plan a major event. This would include attendee requirements, operations, vendors, venue prep, marketing and so forth; planners have a lot on their plates. An event app development company can offer them suitable solutions to make a big difference in their processes.

They are trained to assume sole responsibility and tackle various situations, yet with sufficient support throughout the event planners can do away with a good portion of the stressful and tedious aspects of their work. Technology has advanced to the level that mobile apps and gamification serve to prevail over different types of barriers.

Consider the following benefits that event planning apps offer to overcome various challenges that planners commonly face.

Maintain attendee interest and pre-empting drops in attendance

When hosting an event that will go on over several days, it is a challenge to keep attendees engaged over that length of time. Using an event planning app allows you to keep the attendees at your event linked and engaged before, during and after the event. Event companies can include challenges, games and quizzes in the form of in-app pop-ups and push notifications. Time the activities so that users are engaged while at the event venue, as this will ensure that attendees and vendors will benefit sufficiently from the event.

The help of an event app development company will be valuable for event planners in creating custom apps.

Enlivening conference to make ensure high attendee engagement

Features like gamification in your event app will offer your attendees a dynamic environment while not taking away the goal of the event.

This type of app gives attendees the chance to network conveniently and gain valuable information. The icing on the cake would be to include social media integration in your app as well as chat features. This will boost the app’s popularity and offer a user-friendly environment. Including social media, sharing would ensure that before, after and during the event there will be a continuous promotion for it.

Get unclear feedback connected to the outcome of your event

Feedback from attendees is vital as it lets planners understand what’s good and what needs work. The usual feedback forms and questionnaires are not popular among attendees. Often most attendees skip this step, considering it too much of an effort. Armed with an event planning app of your own, you will have the chance to bring gamification to this process as well. You can do this by including feedback questions during breaks while the event is going on, and offer incentives to attendees for answering them. Accordingly, you will be able to capture actionable insights and not have to compel attendees to fill in forms at the end of an event.

Ensuring that sponsors and vendors are not dissatisfied

If attendees at your event are not engaging with booths set up by your vendors and sponsors it would obviously not be an outcome that they’d want. Using an event app development company planners can get solutions with features like in-app popups, and push notifications. This will ensure that a high number of attendees establish contact with sponsors and vendors. With gamification, attendees will be prompted to carry out various online and offline actions. For instance, getting coupons or reward points to visit a vendor stall etc. This approach will help offer discounts and incentives to attendees at the respective booths/installations etc.

Ivan Applab is one of the top event app development companies offering affordable services to event organizers around the globe. Are you looking to create an event app?

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