Event App Features That Generate High Attendee Engagement

October 13, 2022
Event App Features That Generate High Attendee Engagement

Organisers strive to create events with high attendee engagement, whether they are dealing with in-person or online attendees. In fact most professionals in this field search for ways to leverage technology to make events more engaging, manageable and memorable. With the right insights organisers can tap into the interests of attendees and give them an experience that will have them coming back for more.

The key to increasing your ROI is ensuring that your attendees are kept engaged all through the event lifecycle. Using the expertise of an event app development company, organisers are developing apps that are widely becoming a key aspect of today’s event experience. With the potential to optimise services and allow attendees to network at events, they come along with a variety of features that make them a must-have for both organisers and users.

The explosion of virtual events has made this technology even more in demand where event apps act as a link between online and in-person attendees. These platforms not only serve to offer a link among in-person and virtual audiences, it also serves to boost the success of the event by prompting attendees to interact with fellow attendees, with event content and with the event planners as well.  

Here’s an overview of the different event app features that take attendee engagement to new heights.

Event agendas

This feature outlines the customised schedule of each attendees in a clear and easy to understand layout. Each attendee can open up every section on their schedule to check the particulars of each item like location, moderators’ profiles, session description among other noteworthy details. Interactive virtual maps allow attendees to make their way easily from one meeting to another. What’s more, through alerts from push notifications attendees can be informed about when a meeting is about to start.

This feature also enables users to customise their schedule within the app itself. The details available on the app allow them to choose only those meetings and subjects that they find interesting. Each of them gets to customise and restructure their schedules allowing them to experience the event just the way they want to.

With a top-notch event app development company at the helm, event organising companies can benefit from highly engaging app solutions.

Activity feeds

Social media is a key aspect of the event experience for attendees these days. Social aggregators with real-time updates in the app function in a similar manner as channels like Instagram and Facebook enable the highest level of engagement and interaction among attendees. Curated user generated social media content is shared with targeted audiences to broaden the event reach and allow attendees to promote events organically. The activity feed or wall gives attendees the opportunity to post videos, photos and also engage with other attendees’ content.

Since activity feeds involve natively hosted services within the app, they can only be accessed by fellow attendees. Organisers can thus share content that specifically showcases their event and associated discussion. They can use this event app feature to monitor the chatter and respond to any queries related to the session or event. This feature can also be leveraged in between events, offering potentially repeat attendees fresh engaging content year-round.

Attendee networking opportunities

Apps enable significant networking among attendees through several different means. Firstly, the app’s attendee profiles allow users to check basic details about their fellow attendees – names, profile pictures, designations, among other things. Accordingly, attendees are able to network more easily when they meet others in person and also during online meetings.

Before and during registration, the audience members are encouraged to send in a bunch of personal information, interests, photos, talents and so forth. These details are then included in their profiles, enabling fellow attendees to learn some more about different people who are present at the event.

Private messaging, attendee browsing, meeting set up and matching are some features that allow attendees to network with people who share their interests. No matter the size of the event, attendees can network with others and set up meetings from the convenience of the app itself.  


Even apps require a survey feature as it offers a wide range of in-app session-specific feedback and surveys. In this way event planners receive valuable insights about the attendees experience. This feature serves as a great tool to gauge the success of various aspects of the event. The micro-surveys that pop up throughout the length of the event/program are perfectly suitable to event app users. Because apps can only afford to prompt attendees with mini questionnaires, the information gleaned tends to be strictly concentrated only on important and relevant topics.

Be it slider rating scales, five-star ratings, MCQs or even open-ended questions, attendees get a platform to put forward their comments or experiences.

Organisers are able to enhance attendees’ experience by learning about and acknowledging their needs and feedback. Accommodating user feedback ensures recurring participation, higher ROI and profits as well as helping organisers to offer more attractive and relevant content that users expect.

Event engagement is a critical aspect of each phase of the planning process. Depending on the engagement an event generates, it could either turn out to be a low-attendance flop or a triumphantly successful event. These breakthrough technologies have no doubt revolutionised the way planners organise and host events and programs, and they will continue to advance alongside the needs of professionals and social attendees.

 Organisers can work with an event app development company to create intuitive platforms that boost attendee engagement levels and ultimately ensure higher attendance, retention and future event success.

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